Senin, 06 Agustus 2018

 ayu suntiya



Seismic base isolation
Seismic base isolation is now an accepted practice, in many parts of the world, for protecting important buildings from earthquake forces. For low to moderate height buildings, natural rubber
bearing has often been considered suitable because of its durability and easier fabrication. Many recent studies showed that low stiffness of base isolation systems could cause unacceptably large displacements of ground floor of the building necessitating substantial amount of damping in the isolation system.

A major difficulty in formulating a finite element for shear-deformable beams, plates, and shells is the shear locking phenomenon. A recently proposed general technique to overcome this difficulty is the discrete shear gap (DSG) technique. In this study, the DSG technique was applied to the linear, quadratic, and cubic Timoshenko beam elements. With this technique, the displacement-based shear strain field was replaced with a substitute shear strain field obtained from the derivative of the interpolated shear gap. A series of numerical tests were conducted to assess the elements performance. The results showed that the DSG technique works perfectly to eliminate the shear locking. The resulting deflection, rotation, bending moment, and shear force distributions were very accurate and converged optimally to the corresponding analytical solutions. Thus the beam elements with the DSG technique are better alternatives than those with the classical selective-reduced integration.
This scoping study builds on the recent uncovering that in terms of health and safety (H&S), the Nigerian construction industry is self-regulated in various forms, not unregulated and that the size of company can further explain H&S self-regulation. Consequently, the barriers identified through literature review were assessed using questionnaires. Analysis of the data collected from construction practitioners in Nigeria shows that ‘economic factors’ mostly explains the barriers to construction H&S self-regulation. This is followed by the ‘ability to self-regulate’ and ‘lack of awareness’. Furthermore, the results show significant differences among small, medium and large construction contractors on seven factors of which include ‘normative case’ factors, ‘H&S is a duty’, ‘H&S is the right thing’ and ‘unfair H&S standards or legislation’. Although a scoping study, the study draws attention to the barriers to construction H&S self-regulation in Nigeria and demonstrates an alternative to state regulation of H&S.
The increasing numbers of design variables and constraints have made many civil engineering problems significantly more complex and difficult for engineers to resolve in a timely manner. Various optimization models have been developed to address this problem. The present paper introduces Symbiotic Organisms Search (SOS), a new nature-inspired algorithm for solving civil engineering problems. SOS simulates mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism, which are the symbiotic interaction mechanisms that organisms often adopt for survival in the ecosystem. The proposed algorithm is compared with other algorithms recently developed with regard to their respective effectiveness in solving benchmark problems and three civil engineering problems. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed SOS algorithm is significantly more effective and efficient than the other algorithms tested. The proposed model is a promising tool for assisting civil engineers to make decisions to minimize the expenditure of material and financial resources.

Constructed stormwater wetlands are manmade, shallow, and extensively vegetated water bodies which promote runoff volume and peak flow reduction, and also treat stormwater runoff quality. Researchers have noted that treatment processes of runoff in a constructed wetland are influenced by a range of hydraulic factors, which can vary during a rainfall event, and their influence on treatment can also vary as the event progresses. Variation in hydraulic factors during an event can only be generated using a detailed modelling approach, which was adopted in this research by developing a hydraulic conceptual model. The developed model was calibrated using trial and error procedures by comparing the model outflow with the measured field outflow data. The accuracy of the developed model was analyzed using a well-known statistical analysis method developed based on the regression analysis technique. The analysis results show that the developed model is satisfactory.

Isolasi dasar seismik sekarang merupakan praktik yang diterima, di banyak bagian dunia, untuk melindungi bangunan penting dari kekuatan gempa. Untuk gedung tinggi rendah sampai sedang, karet alam
bantalan sering dianggap cocok karena daya tahan dan fabrikasi lebih mudah. Banyak penelitian baru-baru ini menunjukkan bahwa kekakuan sistem isolasi dasar yang rendah dapat menyebabkan perpindahan lantai bangunan yang tidak dapat diterima secara besar-besaran yang memerlukan pengurangan redaman dalam sistem isolasi.
Kesulitan utama dalam merumuskan elemen hingga balok, pelat, dan peluru geser adalah fenomena penguncian geser. Teknik umum yang baru-baru ini diusulkan untuk mengatasi kesulitan ini adalah teknik discrete shear gap (DSG). Dalam penelitian ini, teknik DSG diterapkan pada elemen balok Timoshenko linier, kuadratik, dan kubik. Dengan teknik ini, medan regangan geser berbasis displacement diganti dengan medan regangan geser pengganti yang diperoleh dari turunan celah geser interpolasi. Serangkaian tes numerik dilakukan untuk menilai kinerja elemen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa teknik DSG bekerja sempurna untuk menghilangkan penguncian geser. Defleksi yang dihasilkan, rotasi, momen lentur, dan distribusi gaya geser sangat akurat dan konvergen secara optimal terhadap solusi analitik yang sesuai. Dengan demikian elemen balok dengan teknik DSG adalah alternatif yang lebih baik daripada integrasi klasik selektif-reduksi.

Studi pelingkupan ini didasarkan pada pengungkapan baru-baru ini bahwa dalam hal kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja (H & S), industri konstruksi Nigeria diatur sendiri dalam berbagai bentuk, tidak diatur dan ukuran perusahaan dapat menjelaskan lebih jauh pengaturan diri H & S. Akibatnya, hambatan yang diidentifikasi melalui kajian literatur dinilai dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Analisis data yang dikumpulkan dari praktisi konstruksi di Nigeria menunjukkan bahwa 'faktor ekonomi' sebagian besar menjelaskan hambatan dalam pengaturan peraturan H & S konstruksi. Ini diikuti dengan 'kemampuan mengatur diri sendiri' dan 'kurang kesadaran'. Selanjutnya, hasilnya menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan antara kontraktor konstruksi kecil, menengah dan besar mengenai tujuh faktor yang meliputi faktor 'kasus normatif', 'H & S adalah tugas', 'H & S adalah hal yang benar' dan 'standar atau peraturan H & S yang tidak adil'. Meskipun sebuah studi pelingkupan, studi ini menarik perhatian pada hambatan terhadap pengaturan peraturan H & S konstruksi di Nigeria dan menunjukkan sebuah alternatif untuk peraturan negara mengenai H & S.

Meningkatnya jumlah variabel dan kendala desain telah membuat banyak masalah teknik sipil secara signifikan lebih kompleks dan sulit bagi para insinyur untuk menyelesaikannya secara tepat waktu. Berbagai model optimasi telah dikembangkan untuk mengatasi masalah ini. Makalah ini memperkenalkan Symbiotic Organisms Search (SOS), sebuah algoritma terinspirasi alam baru untuk memecahkan masalah teknik sipil. SOS mensimulasikan mutualisme, komensalisme, dan parasitisme, yang merupakan mekanisme interaksi simbiosis yang sering diadopsi organisme untuk bertahan dalam ekosistem. Algoritma yang diusulkan dibandingkan dengan algoritma lain yang baru dikembangkan berkaitan dengan efektivitas masing-masing dalam memecahkan masalah patokan dan tiga masalah teknik sipil. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa algoritma SOS yang diusulkan secara signifikan lebih efektif dan efisien daripada algoritma lainnya yang diuji. Model yang diusulkan adalah alat yang menjanjikan untuk membantu insinyur sipil membuat keputusan untuk meminimalkan pengeluaran sumber daya material dan keuangan.
Membangun lahan basah stormwater adalah badan air buatan manusia, dangkal, dan ekstensif yang mempromosikan volume limpasan dan pengurangan aliran puncak, dan juga memperlakukan kualitas limpasan air hujan. Periset telah mencatat bahwa proses pengolahan limpasan di lahan basah yang dibangun dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor hidrolik, yang dapat bervariasi selama peristiwa curah hujan, dan pengaruhnya terhadap pengobatan juga dapat bervariasi seiring dengan berlangsungnya kegiatan. Variasi faktor hidrolik selama suatu kejadian hanya dapat dihasilkan dengan menggunakan pendekatan pemodelan terperinci, yang diadopsi dalam penelitian ini dengan mengembangkan model konseptual hidrolik. Model yang dikembangkan dikalibrasi dengan menggunakan prosedur trial and error dengan membandingkan model outflow dengan data arus keluar lapangan yang terukur. Keakuratan model yang dikembangkan dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode analisis statistik yang terkenal yang dikembangkan berdasarkan teknik analisis regresi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa model yang dikembangkan cukup memuaskan.

Lets begin to do the readings test

1.      What is seismic base isolation used for?
A.      Protecting important buildings from earthquake forces
B.      accepting to practice the earthquake forces
C.      destroying buildings from earthquake
D.     isolating buildings from earthquake

The answer is A explained in paragraph one and line two, (Seismic base isolation used for protecting important buildings from earthquake forces)

2.      What could low stiffness of base isolation system cause for the building?
A.    damping in the isolation system
B.     Unacceptably large displacements of ground floor
C.     Building necessitating
D.    displacements of ground floor of the building
The answer is B mentioned in paragraph one line three. (Isolation systems could low stiffness cause unacceptably large displacements of ground floor)

3.      what is major difficulty in formulating a finite element for shear-deformable beams, plates, and shells ?
A.    The blocking shear phenomenon
B.     The phenomenon blocking shear
C.     the shear locking phenomenon
D.    the shear block phenomenon
The answer is C mentioned in paragraph three line four (because the location was asked                 phenomenon)
4.      The word “finite” in line one paragraph two is closest in meaning to…

A.    Used
B.     Looked
C.     Limited
D.    Close

The answer is B mentioned in paragraph two line one. (A major difficulty in formulating a finite element for shear-deformable beams, plates, and shells is the shear locking phenomenon)

5.      Stormwater wetlands built because man-made that has such characteristics?
A.    Shallow
B.     Vegetated water bodies that promote peak flow volumes
C.     Vegetated water bodies that promote peak flow volumes
D.    A, B, and C are correct
The answer is D 

Structural engineers are responsible for engineering design and structural analysis. Entry-level structural engineers may design the individual structural elements of a structure, such as the beams and columns of a building. More experienced engineers may be responsible for the structural design and integrity of an entire system, such as a building.
Structural engineers often specialize in particular types of structures, such as buildings, bridges, pipelines, industrial, tunnels, vehicles, ships, aircraft and spacecraft. Structural engineers who specialize in buildings often specialize in particular construction materials such as concrete, steel, wood, masonry, alloys and composites, and may focus on particular types of buildings such as offices, schools, hospitals, residential, and so forth.
Structural engineering has existed since humans first started to construct their own structures. It became a more defined and formalized profession with the emergence of the architecture as distinct profession from the engineering during the industrial revolution in the late 19th century. Until then, the architect and the structural engineer were usually one and the same thing – the master builder. Only with the development of specialized knowledge of structural theories that emerged during the 19th and early 20th centuries, did the professional structural engineers come into existence.
The role of a structural engineer today involves a significant understanding of both static and dynamic loading, and the structures that are available to resist them. The complexity of modern structures often requires a great deal of creativity from the engineer in order to ensure the structures support and resist the loads they are subjected to. A structural engineer will typically have a four or five year undergraduate degree, followed by a minimum of three years of professional practice before being considered fully qualified. Structural engineers are licensed or accredited by different learned societies and regulatory bodies around the world (for example, the Institution of Structural Engineers in the UK). Depending on the degree course they have studied and/or the jurisdiction they are seeking licensure in, they may be accredited (or licensed) as just structural engineers, or as civil engineers, or as both civil and structural engineers. Another international organisation is IABSE(International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering).[3] The aim of that association is to exchange knowledge and to advance the practice of structural engineering worldwide in the service of the profession and society.

Structure and writtent

Directions: in question 1-10, each sentence has four underlined words or phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentence are marked (A) (B) (C) and (D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. Then write the sentence with correct word or phrase.

Look at the following example:
Tsunami science were invented for tsunami risk reduction.
      A                                       B                   C                                       D
The sentence should read:  Tsunami science was invented for tsunami risk reduction. Therefore, you should choose (B)
Now let’s Begin to the structure and written test

  1.             Structural engineers is responsible for engineering design and structural analysis.

         A                                 B                                    C         D
            Answer: A (is). It should be are, because the exhibition there refer to plural.
2.      Structural engineers where specialize in buildings often specialize in particular 
                                  A                     B                                                      C
construction materials.
Answer: A(where). It should be Who, because we are talking about person. 
3.      Structural engineering has exis since humans first started to construct their own
      A                                    B                 C                          D
Answer: B (exis). It should be existed, because of the "has" and "since" that follow 
in the sentence. it is the present perfect sentence and uses the third verb.
4.      Until then, the architect and the structural engineer is usually one and the same thing – 
           A                                                                       B                         C
the master builder.
Answer: B (is). It should be were , because there are “until then” shows the past 
5.                         The engineering during the industrial revolution on the late 19th century
     A                                  B          C                          D
            Answer: C (on). It should be in. Because, show the year.

5.      Until then, the architect and the structural engineer is usually one and the same thing – 
           A                                                                       B                         C
the master builder.
Answer: B (is). It should be were , because there are “until then” shows the past 

Fourteenth meeting, my friend, well today I was late when I entered today, it turns out Rella's mother came in and we each continued her presentation and the presentation today is fairy with Bagas vq, but today there are different mothers who have a new cellphone If the story is already the story, if you are curious, just ask the person, hehehehe
As for the thirteenth meeting, we like to be asked to fill in the topic of the topic, so that my friends and Mr. Zalzulifa don't enter the senior replaces, because Miss Rella is not going to go, short, huh ?,,,,
the twelfth meeting, today is back as usual and in my friend's presentation the name is asep, so usually asked there, is it true that Pak Zalzulifa likes to be confused if he is told to give a comment why is it right and why is it wrong, this is the first time yes tenπŸ˜…
Well, the eleventh meeting, today I tried to enter the class in the morning my friends have arrived at the first time this morning, we are presenting again the group is robby if he is not mistaken hehehe, it is rare to enter the morning so it's less memorized 😊
Well, the 10th meeting, yes, in this meeting there was no lecture because it was a holiday because there was a SBMPTN test, screening it to enter the university, so we entertained πŸ‘Œ
the ninth meeting, huh, as usual, my friends in likes are not ready for the material, what do they care about their friends because the group today is not ready, it's just a friend today is quite boring πŸ˜’